Earn 40%
Drop off your clothes at any of our 3 locations. If your item sells, you earn 40% of the revenue. Receive your portion in e-transfer or store credit (expires after two years of your item selling).
Pricing of your items is at our discretion, and the price might fluctuate over time. The goal is to sell your pieces, so our team will use their best judgment to price your pieces to move them at the most effective price.

Our Selection
Our in-store pickers will review all of your items after you drop them off and choose the pieces they believe will sell in the store within the next 45 days.

For Drop Off

1) We choose pieces that appear as brand-new as possible. We will not pick pieces that have stains, rips, or fading.

2) We choose pieces based on what we notice is selling in our store.

3) We ask that you limit your drop-off to no more than 1 large bag per drop-off

If Unchosen or Left Unsold…
You will indicate if you would prefer to re-collect your clothes or donate them to a local charitable organization supporting Calgarians to live a better life.
Drop Off TimesEvery day that we’re open at all locations!
Please check our Instagram, as we post any drop-off breaks we are taking there.

With Us

With the support of Calgarians like you, we continue to support those in need with donations of unchosen clothes.

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