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How To Declutter Your Closet

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A young woman sitting on the floor surrounded by clothes with a closet behind her

Have you ever thought that your closet needs a bit of a refresh? For many of us, refreshing our wardrobe can be invigorating and exciting. For others, it could be a daunting and overwhelming task.

Organizing and assessing are key to successfully cleaning out your closet. You need to know how much space you have, which clothes you wear frequently, and what seasons and activities your clothes are used for. An organized understanding of your wardrobe can make it easier to know what to keep and what to get rid of. 

Whether you’re changing spaces, finding that you’re overloading the space that you’re in, or just wanting a change of scenery for your living space, Peacock Boutique can help you feel inspired. With these easy tips, we can help you get started and on your way to a successful declutter.

Assess Your Space & Needs

First things first, you need to assess your space and determine what you want to do with it.

Your closet space is personal to you. It’s a space where we often start our day and find inspiration. Our moods are often reflected in the clothing we wear and how we present ourselves to the world. 

Each of us has different needs that are reflected in our living space. What do you want your closet to hold? Where do you want to keep what’s important to you? By looking at how much space you have and which clothing items you wear frequently, you will get a better understanding of what’s useful to you. 

Arrange Your Closet by Seasons

Living in Calgary can often cause us to think about seasons differently than most places. The weather can be unpredictable–one minute it could be snowy and cold, and the next it’s sunny and warm. 

This can make arranging our closest by season more of a creative process. For many of us, we have a section of our closest that is our go-to. This can be arranged by season. If we are falling into autumn, we can bring all of our long sleeves and comfy sweaters close to the front. While we still might get warmer days, we can keep some of our mid-length and lighter clothes in the middle while putting the lesser used, lighter summer attire towards the back.

Pushing things that we aren’t using frequently towards the back can help you take less time to decide and look for what to wear. You will have a regular rotation of your clothes and be able to find new inspiration with each season.

Create a Capsule Wardrobe

The term “capsule wardrobe” has been thrown around a lot, but what does it really mean? Having a capsule wardrobe simply means that you’re creating a staple or capsule of clothing that you can use for every occasion. 

Items that you keep in your capsule can be tailored to your lifestyle. They can be pieces that can be dressed up or dressed down and worn time and time again in varying styles. You can add a great accessory or pair it with something else for a completely different look. Having this capsule can help you get rid of pieces that you may not wear anymore, or at all. 

A woman standing in front of her closet carefully organizing her clothes and accessories.

Organizing Your Accessories

Many of us know that a great accessory, whether it’s a great hat, purse, scarf, or shoes, that can enhance any outfit. There are so many items that we can acquire over time that make our outfits feel that much more special. 

At times, we may end up with items that only work for certain outfits or are just sitting there because we can’t bring ourselves to let them go. Organizing your accessories by use can help you decide what is still needed in your closet. 

Consign Unwanted Clothing or Accessories

Some of our clothes and accessories may not have the life in them that they once had. While they may still be in great condition, you may not be getting the same regular use out of them that you once did. Choosing to consign your gently used items can bring new life to them and help someone else make great memories. 

Consigning your items with Peacock Boutique can put money in your pocket and help someone else find that inspiring piece they’ve been looking for. Even if your items don’t sell, there’s still an option to donate your items to local charities.

How to Get Started

Decluttering your closet can be a fun way to end every season. You can shift around your pieces to see some treasures that you may have forgotten about, or find new joy in them. Starting with small parts of your closet can make a large task seem less daunting. 

Where Can I Consign My Clothes?

At Peacock Boutique, we have various times during the year when you can bring in your unwanted items. Consign your items at one of our 3 locations in Calgary.

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The Peacock Consignment Boutique

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