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How to Build a Capsule Wardrobe

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A capsule wardrobe with beige, white, and blue tones.

How many individual clothing items do you own? When you take a look at your closet, how many pairs of shoes are there that you haven’t worn in years? It might be time to think about streamlining your options and elevating your wardrobe with consignment pieces.

With the help of a consignment store, you can downsize your closet into a capsule wardrobe that has a timeless selection of pieces, letting you have a combination of outfits that won’t clutter up your closet.

Creating a capsule wardrobe is all about creating a curated collection of pieces you can mix and match. Some of the tips we recommend for creating your capsule wardrobe include the following:

  • Define your wardrobe standards
  • Focus on pieces you love
  • Look for high-quality over fast fashion
  • Take advantage of consignment stores for unique pieces
  • Consign what you’re getting rid of (or just not wearing)

Define Your Own Capsule Wardrobe

When you’re planning to build your capsule wardrobe, there’s one place to start: deciding what characterizes your personal style.

A capsule wardrobe consists of a limited number of versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched to create numerous outfits. Typically, these wardrobes consist of 30–40 items, including shoes and accessories. The aim is to simplify your clothing choices and make the most out of each piece.

Defining your style can help you narrow down your wardrobe and build a collection you love! 

a woman shopping at peacock boutique

Focus on Pieces You Love

The next step in building a capsule wardrobe involves focusing on pieces that bring joy. It’s important to choose items that you don’t just love, but that you actually wear often. 

Try keeping an eye out for items like:

  • Jeans that fit perfectly
  • Jackets that can be worn over many outfits
  • A dress that can be both casual and professional
  • Button-up shirts that can be mixed with other items
  • Neutral-coloured tank tops
  • Shoes that can be worn with a variety of outfits

Items like these can be the foundation for your capsule wardrobe!

Keep an Eye Out for High-Quality Pieces

High-quality pieces can play a significant role in a capsule wardrobe. While you might be tempted to opt for fast fashion when picking new clothing, those items often break down over time. The low durability of fast fashion pieces means that you’ll likely have to get rid of them sooner, so try to focus on finding high-quality pieces in good condition.

Quality pieces tend to last longer, resist wear and tear, and often fit better. These pieces usually have a timeless appeal, making them a worthy investment. When shopping, try to pay attention to the material, stitching, and overall craftsmanship of each piece.

Use a Consignment Store to Fill in the Gaps

Sometimes, you might not have all the pieces you need to fill in the gaps. That’s where a consignment store can become an incredible option for you!

Through a store like ours, you can find a variety of high-quality, pre-owned items. Consignment stores stock everything from designer labels to everyday essentials, offering a cost-effective way to add unique pieces to a capsule wardrobe.

So, if you’re missing that essential piece to add to a half-dozen outfits or more, try taking a look through our store! We might just have your missing puzzle pieces.

an image of some capsule wardrobe pieces from peacock boutique. the clothes include a beige turtleneck, black pants and coach accessories

Consign What You Don’t Wear

When you’re building yourself a capsule wardrobe, you’ll often be getting rid of some of your clothes. So why not try to make some money off of them? A consignment store isn’t just a place to buy. Did you know you can sell through us as well? 

Many consignment stores accept gently used, high-quality items. Selling clothes can help you declutter your closet, and as a local consignor, you can make a few dollars off of something you’ll already be getting rid of.

The Benefits of a Consignment Store

Visiting a consignment store comes with some great benefits, including the following:

  • Consignment selling helps you recycle clothes and reduce waste.
  • Consignment shopping gives you a chance to discover unique, high-quality pieces at a fraction of the new cost.
  • Consignment selling provides a way to make money off unwanted items you’ll be getting rid of anyway.
  • Consignment shopping helps support other local people.

Building a capsule wardrobe should be a fun experience. By defining what you want from your capsule wardrobe, focusing on high-quality items, and working with our team at The Peacock Boutique Consignment, you can create an incredible, unique capsule wardrobe!

Remember, you’ll probably be adding and removing items as you continue defining what makes your style you, so keep checking our store for the latest pieces—and we’d LOVE to have you join our team of consignors!

Written by
The Peacock Consignment Boutique

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