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Is Aritzia Fast Fashion?

A young woman dressed in a bright red coat and black booties, holding a black handbag and walking in front of a concrete wall

Walking down Calgary streets, going to work, running errands, or having lunch, you’ll constantly walk by people sporting Aritzia. Arguably one of the most popular Canadian brands, Aritzia has amassed a large following on Instagram, where they show off their popular pieces, style inspiration, and more. Aritzia refers to its brand as “everyday luxury” and […]

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Outfits for the Calgary Stampede 2024

A smiling woman wearing a cowboy hat and a plaid shirt while standing against a wooden background

The Calgary Stampede, known as “The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth,” celebrates Western heritage and offers a chance to showcase your fashion flair.  Whether you are a seasoned Stampede attendee or a first-timer, choosing the perfect outfit is essential to stand out in the crowd. And what better way than with The Peacock Boutique Consignment! […]

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Canadian Winter Fashion: Styling for the Cold Months

A young woman smiling wearing checkered coat, white knitted hat and scarf.

If you aren’t prepared, the Canadian climate can be unforgiving. We’ve all seen the tales of the overnight snowfalls that could rival a building’s height, or of the people making skating rinks in the backyard. It’s cold, it’s windy, and it’s wet. That’s why it’s so important to wear proper quality clothing during the cold […]

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Ethical Shopping: Thrifting, Consigning, Vintage

The interior of a consignment shop with plenty of colourful clothes, homewares, and accessories on display.

When it comes to ethical shopping, there are some fantastic options to explore: thrifting, consigning, and vintage shopping. Thrifting is all about finding hidden treasures in thrift stores, flea markets, or online. It’s not only a great way to reduce waste but also to save some cash. Consigning is like giving your pre-loved items a […]

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How to Make Money Selling Clothes

A young woman standing in front of her closet trying to find a perfect outfit.

Turning your passion for fashion into a profitable venture has never been easier. If you have a wardrobe filled with fashionable items you no longer wear, consignment shops can be a fantastic avenue for turning those pieces into cash.  Whether you’re a fashion enthusiast looking to turn your passion into a profitable venture or simply […]

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3 Locations to Serve You


17th Avenue


Calgary’s Original
Clothing Store

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  • 1218C 9 Ave SE
  • Calgary, AB T2G 0T1

17th Avenue

  • 814 16 Ave SW
  • Calgary, AB T2R 0S9


  • 1145 Kensington Crescent NW
  • Calgary, AB T2N 1X7
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